November 12, 2008

updating stuff

Well not much has been going on in the last few days, just me getting over being sick and working on my web sites, I do this updating all the time, like every 3rd month or so, and in time for the christmas holliday.

my latest work is at and soon at
then I'll work on

I'll keep the main look of things but with different colors and backgrounds.

so thats it for now, have a great day.


November 4, 2008

linux and web servers, and a new president

today has been a busy day, I started out on the task of getting my webserver and sites up and running, I did have some problems that I did work out, but I'll tell you now, if you want to run both joomla and mediawiki, 1st install joomla and get it out of the way, then go for mediawiki and its setup. I also installed phpBB 2.0.22 and its now online and ready to roll.

as you may have already been told or read by yourself, we now have our 1st black president, and yes I did vote for him, and so did my wife. :)

so now Barack Obama is the 44th elected president of the USA, good, about time we got MR. Bush out of office and replaced with a better person that knows how to talk way better then a 7 year old, lol

Ok, time for some links to my other web sites I own or help run.
my webcam
impett wiki
phpBB 2

Ok have a great day and come back soon, I well try to keep up with this blog as time permits.

aka macgyver